Maritime Cyber Risks Blog

As of October 2019, to the best of my knowledge, there has not been a single, dedicated hacking attack against a vessel at sea by malicious actors. While there have been rumors - specifically one from an American telco provider in 2016 - that hackers have teamed up with pirates to track high value cargoes, there has been no firm evidence....

Organizations across all industries, including government agencies, are facing a surge of ransomware attacks launched by cybercriminals. New types of ransomware principally causing this surge have the potential to cause significantly more business disruption and difficulty restoring computer data and networks. Attackers are also often demanding...

Being able to get accurate location information anywhere in the world is something we have come to take for granted. The availability of cheap receivers means that GPS has been adopted across sectors in ways that were never envisaged by the system's original designers. From tracking sports players on a pitch for improved training to enabling...

As we move towards 2021, the level of cyber awareness amongst the maritime community is increasing rapidly. There has been a marked change in attitude over the last few years, particularly since the well-publicised Maersk cyber-attack of 2017, which was a wakeup call to an industry who often thought cyber was a problem that might disappear.

Your customers trust that you're taking every measure possible to protect your personal and confidential information. In the U.P. we feel safe and protected living in a remote and safe part of the world. Living here makes it easy to forgot how quickly, easily connected and vulnerable we are to the rest of the world.